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Results for "keyword: "blessings""
Wisdom of the Christian Mystics A celebration of some of the women and men who have explored the Mystery of life.
Reframing A 21-day program on seeing things differently as you put your mind under new management.
Promises of the Heart The centrality in all traditions of a metaphor that calls us to prayer, reconciliation, joy, and service.
A Renaissance of Rituals An array of rituals that ground our yearnings and our devotion in concrete activities.
Practicing Spirituality with Animals An opportunity for deeper encounters with the animals in your life as spiritual teachers.
Practicing Spirituality with Rumi An opportunity to polish your heart with the poetry of the Sufi master.
Practicing Spirituality with Friends An exploration of the recurring challenges and enduring rewards of friendship.
Trusting in Life Video talks by the Benedictine brother and texts exploring faith as a deeply rooted attitude towards life.
InterSpiritual Meditation Key understandings behind and instructions for a universal seven-step practice drawn from the world's spiritual traditions.
Practicing Spirituality with the World's Religions An exploration of interspirituality — the commonalities among the religions.